Home » » Latah


Posted by DEC Development Education and Culture on Monday 4 June 2012

DEC & EBG_Hi guys, now Development Education and Culture with Embargo Pioneer Study Club will present the paper about their discusion. The title is "Latah" written by members of EBG. Please read our present and comment your arguments.

Latah is usually connected to old women whom people in a party or a crowd love to hear their talkative talk. Then it probably grow a character in both drama and film. The aims are to entertain and to animate the atmosphere of people. This phenomenon atiracts west anthropologist and psychiatry to deeply study on this weird habit although it is hard to define indded.

Prof. Dr. Mohd. Razali Salleh, a psychiatrist from University of Science, Malaysia (USM), stated that it is not a mental disorder because it doesn’t give bad effects on the patient and people in his or her environment compared to other disorder.

Razali thaen concluded that it is not an illness because it doesn’t fulfit these criteria:
·        Extreme and abundant starting acts.
·        A kind of hysterical variation such as being unconscious and accepting whatever people instruct.
·        Post hypnotic suggestion, being aware but losing self control.
Although spontaneous utterances and acts amuse others but they cause individual feel tired and disturted

Just don’t get it hard! : gitu aja kok repot!
Let the good time roll! : mari bersenang-senang
Suit yourself! : terserah!

Wonderful= Marvellous : Ajaib/hebat
Graceful= Charming : Anggun
Virtue= Goodness : kebaikan

Blunt >< Sharp : Tumpul >< Tajam
Free >< Oppessed : Bebas >< Tertindas
Rough >< Smooth : Kasar >< Licin

*Doc. of EBG in 2009
Leppangeng, Desa Patangkai, Kec. Lappariaja, Kab. Bone


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