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National Examination Still Necessary for Education

Posted by DEC Development Education and Culture on Friday 8 June 2012

                DEC_Hi guys, to development our knowledge and our speaking, the best way is discussion. Tries to speak up and think fast can give us some learned. From all, now I share to you all a paper topic of discussion. The title is “Nationan Examination Still Necessary for Education.” Written by brother Darman from BPEC (Benteng Panyyua English Club as the social instution for education and human resourcesmdevelopment). Let read this present and give comments what you think about this paper my brothers and sisters.
                People are recently question about the significance of National Examination as a benchmark education in Indonesia. Pros and cons of whether it is necessary or not to implement the National Examination in Indonesia.

                Actually, the objection of National Examination is maintaining the quality of education and to set up the national standard for junior and senior high schools. For this reason, the previous administration insisted that national exam could not be eliminated. If National Examination abolished, how the government will know the quality of education in Indonesia?

                We must admit National Examination has encouraged and motivated student to study hard more and more, and to incrase their self-independence because this examination has a national standard for all over the country. If they can hopefully pass this examination, it will have the students satisfied and their parents will proud of them. As same as the students, the teachers will try to do their best by sacrificing their time and energy for the success of their students.

                However, the practice doesn’t sound as nice as that stated goal. It was reported that many students cheated in the exam. Not only students, some teachers were also afraid fail in examination and cannot continue their study.

1.       What’s your opinion about National Examination in Indonesia?
2.       Do you agree if National Examination as education measurement in our country?
3.       Are the students and teachers in Indonesia lack of confidence so they are dishonest to face National Examination?
4.       Do you agree if National Examination abolished in Indonesia?
5.       What the best solution for education problem especially National Examination in Indonesia?

Benchmark         : Tolak ukur
Pros and cons    : Pro dan kontra
Significance       : Arti, Manfaat
Abolished           : Dihapuskan
Sacrificing           : Mengorbankan


cak oni said...

between pros and cons

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