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Kinds of English Test for Their Each Purposes

Posted by DEC Development Education and Culture on Sunday, 12 March 2023

 DEC-Hi Guys, we have seen there are many kinds of English test to classify the level of influence for mastery this language. You may find this test as one of document that need to complete for some area of expertise. Each test has provided based on minimum measurement of passing grade test. there are four kinds common of English test we would like to discuss such as TOEFL, IELTS, TOIEC and Marline Test.

TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language) is a complex test to measure the high level of English mastery. most of then are taken from someone who have interest to visit America. the test is designed by ETS (Educational Testing Service). it looks like same but actually IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is designed by Cambridge Oxford, British Council, IDP Education Australia. this test provided for someone who have Interest to visit European continent. 

If most of the test above that already mention that designed for testing their mastery on English language or use as support document to get any scholarship, TOIEC (Test of English for International Communication) is designed for employee test. That is the most difference between the two previous test. there is another similar test for seeking job called Marlin Test. This proficiency test mostly for seafarers who are working on the ship. All kinds of test that have stated above define based on their land and kinds of work situation.

After read all the idea above, do you mind to answer some question bellow.

  1. Do you ever get any one of test that mention above?
  2. Have you ever get any class to discuss regarding one of subject above?
  3. which one do you like to take if there is a free test and discussion that given to you and what do you plan about it? 


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