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75 Expression base on Wallstreet Movie (Tugas Khusus Melatih Kepasifan Listening dalam Bahasa Inggris)

Posted by DEC Development Education and Culture on Wednesday, 9 October 2013

DEC_Hi guys, Maaf telah lama nga berbagi ma temen-temen. Sebagai ucapan permintaan maaf aku, so aku persembahin sebuah tugas yang pastinya bisa temen-temen coba buat belajar melatih kefasihan temen-temen dalam bahasa inggris, khususnya Listening pastinya. Caranya yah tentu dimulai dengan memilah movie yang pengen kita liat trus dengerin deh. Salah satu contohnya seperti ini deh.

English for Meeting and Negotiation
Title: Wallstreet
"Find 75 expression base on the movie"

  1. Great Carlyon, do better than be a sin;
  2. What new, I'm still do my business. Get work when you young kid. I came in one day, I sat down and looked me now;
  3. Yesterday I search my future. I need the information before the close;
  4. Well, somebody mush to pay;
  5. Everyday I say to my self that today could be today;
  6. How many time I said, I'm not a saleman, I'm a account executor;
  7. How much you need? Can you spent me 3000, I will pay back next month. I promise;
  8. I always said money something you need before you die;
  9. Looked me, I get a message from wicked looked your rime buddy. And you still smile just like you kids;
  10. I always dream the one thing it is do business like you;
  11. Christmas is over and business still business;
  12. Every batle won before the war is start;
  13. Something big will falling down;
  14. If you not inside, you are out side;
  15. Be a player or nothing;
  16. You want to chance? Now stop give me information you start give me some;
  17. Alright Mr. Gekko, you got me;
  18. Money never sleep;
  19. Light coming out;
  20. I will make you rich Bud;
  21. If you don't know, I don't know;
  22. More money that never you think, nobody hurt;
  23. I buy a new souvenier shop;
  24. You are on the higher kid. Enjoy before the last;
  25. There was an accountibility for shareholders;
  26. Teldar paper have 33 difference vice precident and rich 200.000 in a year;
  27. I'm not a destroyer of this company;
  28. Gordon, what I want and you thing is be co-pilot in this world;
  29. I will take this airlines turing around and make it work;
  30. I work the Bluestar and I know my way, my friends in there, inside;
  31. Okay, everybody is here. And we don't start without you;
  32. You get loss from 20-30 million and dividen cutting zero
  33. Advertising: very important, more, more agresif
  34. And we will oganizing about the few schedule;
  35. He is using you kid, he beguile and you are blinding to see;
  36. Boy, if you feel I mush be really jump as your father;
  37. Force being are I'm still around and I loss my hand and my backing responsibilityin union membership, I mush present;
  38. Your are mad, you are fucking mad, all my life, your men have of you, why are you never backing me;
  39. Dad, Think the chance, be a practical and asking you. I am backing you;
  40. I just wanna slow down;
  41. What's guys, what's up your problem, is time to killing;
  42. Look, we got 30 banks ready for participated and for 4 years revolving credits life;
  43. We mush having your source and you will pay back much of the flow and the first twelve months;
  44. I don't know if we have schedule for meeting today;
  45. It's all about fund kids, the rest just compersation;
  46. The zeros some game, somebody win and someboy loss;
  47. This painting here, I bought ten years ago for sixty thousands dollars, I sold today for six Hundred;
  48. The illution will become real;
  49. I created nothing, I own. We make rule Bud, news, wars, peace, some of the people, price of people clip;
  50. And you not know enought to think about the market, are you Buddy?
  51. You can take your killer your insting;
  52. Stick around Bud. I still glad to teach you;
  53. I need to know, are you with me?
  54. I have been like grand piano from the maestro of Gekko the great;
  55. Today is the big crash;
  56. He broke the Bluestar pieces and sold it all;
  57. I work hard to get what you are;
  58. I can stand with the part, and you doing to fine and we can survive without Gordon Gekko;
  59. You make enemy to Gordon, I cann't be to stand by you;
  60. Hey Dad, you look younger everyday;
  61. I have a plan Dad, I will save this airlines. I know you hard to believe me. But you have to trust me;
  62. Let just say it, me and Mr. Gordon have a serious comflics;
  63. Are you prepare for the salary cuts?
  64. Tell to your clients to buy it;
  65. We are backing business Bluestar;
  66. I would be happy to tell you, we know what you want to active Gekko;
  67. I think this is a chance, nice to see you Mr. Gekko;
  68. You could be one of great one, Buddy when I looked you, I see my self;
  69. I just realize I just Bud Fox as much as wanna be a Gekko, but I always be Bud Fox;
  70. I show you how the system it works and all information you got it;
  71. You help save the airline and the airline people will remeber your point;
  72. Dad, I'm going to the jail, you known it;
  73. Maybe it is the price son, it wanna be hurt for you;
  74. Stop go vey easy to do something in your life. Create still leaving and selling about this;
  75. We are parking and accept to see you;


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