Chapter I: Introduction
The presenter explain about what English is. English is the most known language as the international language. The reason why English known as international language in the world because two big reasons. The first about the power of British empire in 17th century and America as the greatest economic nation and have control in many sectors in the world, started in 20th century. The use of English in the many countries have difference. It because there are many other language beside English. There are many language use in many nation but English took as international language based on that reason above.
English break in three parts known as first language, second language and foreign language. In Indonesia, English use as foreign language. The others reason is because English in indonesia used only for kinds of people. It didn’t use as government language like malaysia, singapore that use language as the second language.
Chapter II: Literature review
The facts about English such as English as global language and English have important rule in globalization. It contribute with the areas of English. In Economic and business sectors, America, based on the history have control the main business in the world and it also contribute to make English to be the strong language because the american use English as their daily language. In international relation, many contries have build the good relation with the nation which have power to control the economic of the world.
In media, sure the still use English to share the media because Language use by more that 1/3 people in the world. In education, there are many scienties made journal use English and the research also written by English Language. In communication, 80% learn about English. Example in Indonesia the Education department of Indonesia put English in national subject that students in elementary, secondary should learn about this language. In international and safety, generally written with English. So the agent need to learn about it.
In learning in Indonesia, teaching English still low based in many sectors. But the format of English in Education of Indonesia that started from 50 years ago can include as expanding circle or we know as foreign language. It was because only the specific people who use it. The other problem are because Indonesia have more that 100 traditional language in many places. The goal of teaching should be apply is not to aspire to become native speaker. That’s the presenter’s conclution in this part.
Indonesia need to prepare for dealing current issue of English as International language.
Discussion material
The first presenter who answer the question was Khairrunnisa. She answer the question from Ika Fitriani. Their material was lingua franca. But in the last of the questioner told about the definition of lingua franca. In the last, Mr. Sandi Hikmawan give some additional. The other question from Mr.Sandi Hikmawan had answered his questions. It was about why English to introduce our Indonesia. In this case, there some students had being discussed about the material. Fajar Mallajareng gave additional about the problem.
In the last, Sasdita Raut asked about change the goal of English in Indonesia and the presenter opinion based on the topic. The discusstion took to long time and the lecturer give another additional to clarify. Rismawati Natsir also try to give additional from the material. The class was closing by the lecturer and she remind us back for the task that we need to do.
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